What's New 
Customising regional imagery mosaics: 15m-resolution Korean Peninsula imagery in 9 styles

Cloud-based Geospatial Processing Services |
August 2020: Extract Features from High-resolution Imagery: An AI-based Processing Service
We use new AI and deep learning to extract features of the built environment (e.g. buildings, vegetation - trees or grass, water and roads) from high-resolution imagery for very large geographic regions.
You may provide your own high-resolution digital imagery for AI-based image analysis. Typically, inputs are in GeoTIFF format (for raster imagery) and outputs in Shapefile format (for vector data). |
February 2020: Turn your High-quality Elevation Data into Feature Layers and High-resolution, Beautiful Tile Maps,
ready for Web & Desktop GIS Mapping
High-resolution tile maps on terrain and hydrology include:
- Contours
- Modelled surface water flow directions
- Shaded relief maps
API-enabled tile maps can be easily integrated with web mapping apps (those using Google Maps APIs, Leaflet APIs, OpenLayers APIs, Mapbox APIs, etc.) or desktop GIS, by simply updating related URLs or file paths. You'd be amazed by how much the usual DEM data can be transformed into and effectively visualised. |
New & Unique Software Tools |
January 2021: Spectral Discovery software developed to rapidly process near real-time JMA Himawari 8/9 and NOAA GOES 16/17 imagery, and tiled web maps available for web & mobile apps

March 2020: DOS- and GUI-based Spectral
Discovery for Sentinel-2 imagery Version 3.1 updated - Rapid band combinations, image stretching, image pan-sharpening, and exploratory image feature extraction
tools for analysing 10m-, 20m- and 60m-resolution Sentinel-2 imagery, with 3 simple button clicks |
March 2020: DOS- and GUI-based Spectral
Discovery for Landsat-8 imagery Version 3.1 updated - Rapid band combinations, image stretching, and image pan-sharpening
tools for making beautiful and detail-rich 15m-resolution Landsat-8 imagery composites, with 3 simple button clicks |

1. Global
Satellite Imagery Mosaics / Basemaps - Earth Land
Surface 2000 Ver. 3
- 14.25/15/30/60/90m-resolution,
natural and/or
- Complete six
(6) data sets, multiple styles
- Unique global
mosaics at 30m-resolution (image size: 1,296,000 x 648,000
pixels; file size: 2.29 terabytes in
raw binary; format:
JPEG2000), ready-to-use and cost-effective
- Global mosaic - an overview (ocean area: bathymetric shaded
Anyone even with little or no
geospatial experience is able to
use our large-sized, GIS-ready global
mosaics; it can be as easy as opening
files! We show you how.
2. U.S. Unique state-level imagery mosaics at
1m-resolution for 48 contiguous U.S. states
- One state, one imagery mosaic – extremely easy to use and manage in GIS mapping software
- See the big picture and the detail
- Consistent 1m-resolution with the popular WGS 84 Web Mercator projection
- Complete public NAIP imagery series from latest seasons
- Large-sizes (e.g. for the 2013-2015 imagery series, ~180 Terabytes of processed data in raw binary and ~9.0 Terabytes in compressed JPEG2000 format)
- Complementary to the existing small-sized county-level mosaics
- Natural color (RGB), color infrared (CIR), or NDVI color mosaics available